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How to get started:

Feel like you’re at a crossroads? Ellevate 101 introduces you to the community that can give you a career kickstart.

We’ll walk you through some light intros and give you space to connect about shared career experiences. You’ll also learn how to use your Ellevate program to continuously make moves towards success at work.

Our next live welcome session is .

Register here for your chance to get started

4 women lined up supporting each other

The Ellevate Experience: Find Your People

The Ellevate Experience: Find Your People

Ellevate membership has always been more than mingling and exchanging business cards; we listen to each other’s full stories and find a way to help, not compete.

It’s important to us to make it quick and easy for members to find their people, whether they’re browsing the Member Directory or doing a little homework to see who will be at their next Mentoring Meetup.

That’s why the moment members register for one of our events, we go the extra mile to make their time count. Not only can members easily see who works in their industry(from finance to biotech to architecture), they can also find women with similar life experiences by connecting with other working moms, expats, or even other business owners.

Because Ellevate isn’t limited to a single industry, location, or seniority, there’s someone here who can answer any question or open any door. There are women you’ve been in your field a lot longer, but also women with crossover opportunities to challenge you from different perspectives.

Even when members tune in to a live-streamed event or Jam Session from home, we make that time online count by recommending who to reach out to for creating a plan, discussing what they’ve learned, and turning talk into action.

Whether you’re sitting next to a stranger or chatting online, Ellevate is the place to start a conversation with a potential mentor, boss, co-founder, investor, advisor, client, or a new friend who understands what you do and can tell you if you’re on the right track. Starting those conversations is hard, but we make it easier by suggesting what members have in common, from their industry to goals to shared life experiences.

If you’re ready for the support, knowledge and energy of a community that both knows how to succeed and embraces vulnerability, we’ll help you find your people. No matter what you’re working towards, you belong here.