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4 women lined up supporting each other

What's the most important element in developing your personal brand?

What's the most important element in developing your personal brand?

There's a lot of talk about personal brands, and the truth is, they matter. Most important decisions about your career are made when you're not in the room, so you want to make sure that what people say about you is the right thing. 

We asked Ellevate Members what's the most important thing to develop your personal brand: almost 40% said it's framing yourself as a thought leader; a quarter of Ellevate members agree a personal brand is about being good at your job and being an expert, and 11% responded it's looking the part and having a strong social media presence.

Many members weighed in from their experience:

Know myself, be passionate, share this with everyone.

Know "your story". Know who you are and what you want. 

Interested in learning more about personal branding?

Read: Why Knowing and Honing your Personal Brand Matters

Watch: 4 Key Strategies To Building Your Online Presence

Read: Recap: A Night of Personal Branding with MBA@UNC and the Ellevate Network

We regularly ask the Ellevate community how they feel about topics that are important to professional women around the world. See More Ellevate Insights.