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How to get started:

Feel like you’re at a crossroads? Ellevate 101 introduces you to the community that can give you a career kickstart.

We’ll walk you through some light intros and give you space to connect about shared career experiences. You’ll also learn how to use your Ellevate program to continuously make moves towards success at work.

Our next live welcome session is .

Register here for your chance to get started

4 women lined up supporting each other

EllevateHER Forward 2023

EllevateHER Forward 2023

If you have lost your job or have been economically impacted, you’re in the right place. These last three years have been hard and heavy, especially on women.

Established by Ellevate Network in 2020, EllevateHER Forward is a fellowship granting fund designed to relieve the economic burden and disproportionate job loss caused by the economic crisis by providing women access to a network that will help them return to work through Roundtables, Community Circles, Chapter meetups, and Squads. 

As an EllevateHER Forward Fellow, you'll get a full year of:

  • Advice & discussions in real time
  • The freedom to come as you are
  • Twice annual Squads
  • IRL connections with your local community

If you have been feeling like the weight on your shoulders is too heavy to carry, you’re not alone.

Applications  opened March 1st and close April 7th. Recipients will be notified the week of April 10th, and memberships will go into effect around April 15th. If you or anyone you know would benefit from EllevateHER Forward, please apply here.

Interested in contributing to the EllevateHER Forward Fund? We can't do it without the contributions of our wonderful community. Sponsor a woman's return back to work here.

Community Discussion
Ericka (aka Phoenix) Guy
Ericka (aka Phoenix) Guy

I’m so glad that Ellevate is offering this to those who otherwise might not be able to join. I wish that I’d known the power of networking 20 years ago!!!

Monday, Mar 18 8:26 AM EDT

Judimarie Thomas
Judimarie Thomas

One more reason to love Ellevate — increasing access to their treasure chest of support, community, wisdom and education for women who need it! Question: can members nominate women for these scholarships?

Wednesday, Mar 20 10:16 AM EDT

Alison Williams
Alison Williams

Hi Judimarie, We’re so happy that you’re excited for EllevateHER! We are too. If you know women who would greatly benefit from the program, please direct them here, where they can apply. We'd love to meet them!

Friday, Mar 29 5:13 PM EDT

Surabhi Chadha
Surabhi Chadha

Ellevate provides a broad horizon for the entire community. It provides perspective from diverse networks. I find the content and options very useful and glad to be a part of this community!

Wednesday, Feb 17 9:02 AM EST