How to get started:
Feel like you’re at a crossroads? Ellevate 101 introduces you to the community that can give you a career kickstart.
We’ll walk you through some light intros and give you space to connect about shared career experiences. You’ll also learn how to use your Ellevate program to continuously make moves towards success at work.
Our next live welcome session is .
Staying True to Our Values with EllevateHER

When you truly believe in your values, when you run your business based on the things that matter, when your mission stands at the heart of everything you do… many of your business decisions become easy. You know what you have to do. That was the case for us at Ellevate when we decided to create EllevateHER, a program aimed at expanding access to professional development resources and a community to lean on and learn from to women who could benefit significantly by what Ellevate offers.
Every year, Ellevate receives many requests from women who believe in the power of the Ellevate community, but are facing financial hardships that prevent them from joining the Network. Although we wish we could make membership free for all, significant resources are required to be able to operate a network like ours, and to continue to provide world-class events, services, and innovative products to help professional women succeed.
The EllevateHER program focuses on serving groups who would benefit significantly from Ellevate Network membership: veterans, women in transition, those working at non-profits, recent graduates, women still in school, and those whose current income will not allow them to join. Today, we’re happy to announce we have welcomed 255 new members to the Ellevate community through the program, and we’re very inspired by these women and their desire to continue their career growth and to invest in themselves and in other women.
Of the 255 new EllevateHER members:
5% are veterans
7% have a disability
18% are in STEM fields
33% work for non-profits
26% are Black/African American
11% are Hispanic
11% are Asian/Pacific Islander
7% multiple ethnicity/other
And 100% are ready to take their career to the next level, for themselves, their families, and to help other women succeed. Don’t believe us? This is what they had to say:
“I vehemently believe the power of women to create change and build a new world order is infinite. We can achieve and create our world of tomorrow, but only with the support of each other and our allies. I’ve been following the Ellevate Network for a few years now and am inspired by the power of the women who are members and the time they are willing to give to raise up our fellow woman.”
“What I am most looking forward to as a member of Ellevate is joining an Ellevate Squad. As I seek to re-evaluate my industry and function, I have so much to learn from like-minded women who have excelled in a variety of careers. I also look forward to helping my Squad advance their career goals with feedback, advice and encouragement.”
“I am currently a teacher with DC Public Schools as well as a graduate student earning my masters degree in education policy. I want to leave the school environment to enter the policy field and be an advocate for change in our education system with hopes of one day running for office.”
“An invitation to be a part of EllevateHER would mean breaking free from the somewhat alienating, often lonely journey, that I am experiencing as a sole founder, and as a female of color looking to change the narrative for girls and women. I have often been just one or two degrees removed from allies, collaborators, partners, champions, mentors. Being a part of the Ellevate may just bridge that distance.”
Ellevate Network is so special because of how intentional the women are in our community. We're so pleased to see the community grow with the addition of these incredible EllevateHER recipients, and look forward to their contributions.
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