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4 women lined up supporting each other

Five Reasons Reviewing Your Company is the Best Career Move You Can Make

Five Reasons Reviewing Your Company is the Best Career Move You Can Make

These days, it seems like you can review everything online, from restaurants to hotels to Amazon purchases. It was only a matter of time before reviewing your employer was an option for women - but whether it’s an option women readily take is another story.

The idea of sharing your honest thoughts about your employer - and how well your employer treats you - may seem inherently risky. After all, there’s no shortage of stories about backlash and professional repercussions faced by those who speak up - like the 75% of respondents in one study who said they’d faced retaliation for reporting workplace mistreatment. Even if you love your job, it can oftentimes still feel safer or more “professional” to keep your opinions about your employer - particularly info on how the company tends to pay and promote employees - close to you.

The result? A lack of transparency that continues to keep women in the dark about the career information they need most. At Fairygodboss, we’re helping women shine a light on these topics through our crowdsourced database of company reviews for women, by women - the only one of its kind in the U.S. What do you have to gain by leaving a free review of your employer on Fairygodboss? Well, for starters…

1) Our company reviews are totally anonymous.

Share your thoughts about what your employer does right for women - and where they need to improve - without putting yourself at any risk for retaliation. When you leave a review on Fairygodboss, we promise to never share your identity, making our community a place of safe, protected transparency.

2) Leaving a review helps empower other women.

If recent events around working women’s issues have shown us anything, it’s that we truly are stronger when we stand together and support each other’s voices. By leaving a review, you’re helping equip the million women who use our site each month with the information they need to make informed, empowered decisions about their careers.

What information about your employer do you wish someone had told you before you started? Is the maternity leave policy reasonable? Are women paid and promoted fairly? What’s the overall culture toward women like, and are you encouraged to achieve work-life balance? Now’s your opportunity to pay it forward by cluing other women in.

[Related: How to Handle Sexism at Work]

3) You’re not just helping others — you’re also empowering yourself.

When you leave a review of your employer on Fairygodboss, you instantly unlock free access to tens of thousands of other women’s reviews. Not only that, but you’ll also have access to the Fairygodboss Salary Database, Maternity Leave Database, and Work-Life Balance Database, so you can make easy comparisons.

4) You can create real change in your workplace.

Many companies truly want to cultivate a diverse, enriched environment where women can do their best work, but they aren’t sure where to start. By leaving a review, you’re not only providing other women with valuable intel; you’re also signaling to the company itself (in a safe, anonymous way!) what they need to change if they want women to be happy working there.

[Related: 5 Signs You’re In A Toxic Workplace]

5) If it comes down to it, you can also use us to find a new job.

Don’t care to stick around to see if things improve for women at your company? Fairygodboss is also a job search platform. Check out what women have to say about working at a company, and if you’re impressed, click over to see what positions they have open - and know that you’re doing so from an informed, empowered place.

By leaving a free, anonymous review of your employer, there’s nothing you stand to lose. Help us promote workplace transparency, and find out what other women have to say about your company, by leaving a review today!

[Related; 5 Ways To Tell If Your Job Is Making You Sick — Literally]


Fairygodboss is a leading career community that helps women get the inside scoop on pay, corporate culture, benefits, and work flexibility. Founded in 2015, Fairygodboss offers company ratings, job listings, discussion boards, and career advice.

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