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You Cannot be Derailed…Only Slowed Down

You Cannot be Derailed…Only Slowed Down

You cannot be derailed…only slowed down. This was a message that hit me between the eyeballs.

I was under the impression that though we may want something, we can be taken off-track by obstacles like time, circumstances, or resources. When we’re pulled off-track, we face only the challenge of getting back on in order to move toward what we’re divinely meant to do.

If we’re doing what we’re truly meant to do, nothing can derail us, though plenty of things can slow us down. Here's the good news: There are plenty of things we can do to control our speed.

If what you’re working toward isn’t manifesting as quickly as you’d like, you’re not off-track. You're possibly being slowed down by neglecting to pay attention to these four ideas.


When we’re congruent, what we say, think, feel, and do all match. Our thoughts match our intentions, our actions, and our beliefs. We’re not saying one thing and doing another. Everything matches, and there’s complete congruency every step along the way.

[Related: Stop Separating Your Life Into Chapters]


When we’re aligned, we’ve let go of the resistance, roadblocks, and disempowering beliefs that prevent us from being completely clear about what we want and where we’re headed. It’s like we’ve lost that fuzzy sound when we’re between two radio stations. We’re on the radio station we’ve chosen and it’s coming in loud and clear.

[Related: 5 Keys to Making True Connections]


When we’re single-minded, we’re solely focused on (and kind of obsessed with) what we’re working toward. We don’t deviate, get sidetracked, or lose interest or focus. In fact, we can be pretty annoying to be around, because at some point in any conversation, what we’re obsessed with is likely to come up.

[Related: Quotes to Help You Break Free From Perfectionism]


When we’re passionate about what we’re working toward, it’s contagious. There’s a bold, enthusiastic, and energetic energy around the way we’re sharing our message with others. Consider passion to be the fuel that drives an idea from concept to completion.

Is one of these areas slowing you down? Which one? How can you work on it? We’d love to hear from you - comment and share!

[Related: 9 Books to Inspire a Thriving Career]


Debi Silber MS, RD, WHC, FDN, Founder of, is a recognized health, weight loss, fitness, wellness, lifestyle, and personal development expert, speaker, and author who has led countless others to transform into their personal and professional best selves. Debi’s contributed to FOX, CBS, The Dr. Oz show, TEDx, The Huffington Post, Shape, Self, Health, Forbes, Psychology Today, WebMD, Yahoo Shine, Ladies Home Journal, MSN, Woman's World, and Glamour, to name a few.

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