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6 Steps to Take Right Now If You Feel Like Your Career Has Veered Off Path

Maya Angelou once said: “I've learned that 'making a living' is not the same thing as 'making a life.'" She was so right (as always).
Your career should be something that you intentionally chose for yourself, not anyone else. When on your career path, so many of us get “caught up” in a position that just doesn’t seem right. Maybe you are unhappy, bored, or completely disinterested in your current role. Maybe you feel like you're doing terribly because it just isn't your thing. Maybe management has changed, and what you're used to doesn't work anymore. Whether you have been in your role for three months or fourteen years, there is always time to make a change. You are never stuck in that situation. Let’s discuss six practical steps to take when your career has veered off path.
Step 1: Get past your feelings.
When we are unhappy or dissatisfied in our lives, it is very easy to be caught up with our feelings. We can dwell on what “went wrong” or why other people or certain situations are the reason we are in the current predicament. To make a change in your life or your career, you need to live past your feelings. Dropping the excuses and moving towards what you want is how you will make the change you want in your career.
Step 2: Decide what you want.
Being ready for a change is step one. The next step is to be clear on how you want to steer your career path in a new direction. To do this, you need to answer the following questions:
- What is the source of your unhappiness (i.e. the role itself, company, work culture, etc.)?
- Have you taken steps to address your unhappiness?
- If so, what was the result?
- If the result didn’t change your unhappiness, what needs to take place to make you happy?
Step 3: Elevate your networking game.
Networking is not only important, but it is one of the best ways to make a change in your career. Here are four networking tips to use to make effective career moves:
- Write articles and share your expertise on LinkedIn.
- Attend networking events on a weekly and monthly basis.
- Reach out to your personal and professional network to discuss potential job opportunities.
- Utilize other social media platforms for networking and sharing your knowledge/expertise.
[Related: How Women Can Create Networks for Success]
Step 4: Create a winning mindset.
When making a career move, you may deal with rejection, fear, anxiety and so many other emotions. This can’t stand in the way of you believing that you are not only capable, but determined to make the change in your career. You must have the confidence and resolve to believe in yourself and what you want to achieve in this world.
Step 5: Establish a daily success regiment.
One of the best ways to maintain a winning mindset is to have a daily success regiment that you follow to help you commit to the mindset. For example, I am passionate about dance, music, reading and animals. So, if I incorporate my passions in my schedule in some way, then I am motivated to tackle my to-do list. What do you need to do to keep your eye on the prize?
[Related: 5 Daily Habits That Promote Ongoing Success]
Step 6: Keep moving forward.
Tenacity is the name of the career game. Giving up on yourself or your goals is not an option. No matter how defeated you feel, or how lack luster initial outcomes you may deal with are, remember to stay determined. Keep moving forward and you will make the career change that not only you want, but also deserve.
–Natasha Nurse via Fairygodboss
This article originally appeared on Fairygodboss. As the largest career community for women, Fairygodboss provides millions of women with career connections, community advice, and hard-to-find intel about how companies treat women.
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