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Two Great Tips for Developing Future Managers

Recently I taught a two-day course on behalf of the Centre for Leadership and Learning in the Ontario Public Service (OPS). It's called "Management Essentials," and here are two main takeaways.

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Are You In It To Win or In It Not To Lose? The Difference Between Leaders and Managers

One of my clients said it best, “I can benchmark myself against existing strategy and sure I’ll do well, or I can create strategy and then break existing paradigms.”

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Debunking Myths about Women-Led Businesses

Data reveals interesting facts about how women’s mindsets control our destiny more than we know, and how it is our responsibility to pick out chairs in the board rooms and hire the next generation.

Featured on Forbes

 Recap of Ellevate Mumbai  panel event  "India Inc - Preparing women for board memberships”

Elevate Network’s Mumbai chapter hosted the panel "India Inc - Preparing women for board memberships” on November 20, 2014 at The Tasting Room.

Event Recaps
Framing The Conversation For Bonuses And Promotions

Uh oh! It’s that time of year again…appraisals, evaluations, bonuses, raises. You know what you want. You know you’ve worked hard but this is a tricky topic. Lean in? Wait for Karma?

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Roadblocks to Productivity

In today’s world, we all have numerous responsibilities and tasks that fill up our days. At times, it feels as if there aren’t enough hours in the day to accomplish everything.

Lessons of Neuro Leadership From Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift masters the use of social media but in a way that connects to the basics human needs of connecting and belonging.

How Women Entrepreneurs Can Accelerate to Break Out Growth

Only 3-5% of startups are led by women. I’m leading one of these few firms at the crossroads of education, health and technology. Even though the number of women-led startups is tiny, they tend to...

Featured on Forbes

Roadmap to Leaving Your Corporate Job: Product Design & Development

As a designer, designing and developing a product is the most crucial part of your business. Many designers struggle to create products that establish a sustainable demand among their customers.

10 Social Media Tips: How to Elevate Your Personal Brand and Your Business

This article was originally featured on Christine NotesBy Christine Condon“What do you have to say? How do you say it? What do you stand for?”—Dave Kerpen, Co-Founder of Likeable Media Sometimes ...

Event Recaps
3 Steps to Goal Attainment

Goal setting, goal clarification, goal oriented behaviors...I focus a lot on goals. I mean, everything we do is goal directed. If a person has no goal directed behaviors we worry about them.

Ellevate Event Recap: Building and Redefining Your Personal Brand

Last week, I got to meet a really amazing group of women at the Ellevate Network’s Building Your Personal Brand workshop.

Event Recaps