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Tap into the wisdom of our community on all topics, personal and professional. We're here to help each other achieve our goals faster and smarter.

Why did the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Go Viral?

Did you notice the uncanny urge for people to dump buckets of water over themselves the past few months? Various social media outlets were flooded with videos of Ice Bucket Challenge.

Recommended Reading: 5 Leadership Books I Love

Leading virtually (e.g., Skype, Instant Message) is one example of how leadership has changed for this generation. This is one of the insights in my Forbes Leadership post on Millennials and...

How to be a Successful Real Estate Agent

    Thirty years ago I surprised everyone, including myself, by becoming a successful real estate agent in San Francisco’s tough residential market during a recession, when inte...

Stop Worrying About the Gap In Your Resume

You may have been working for 15, 20, even 30 years. But then you stopped for a while. Maybe you left your job voluntarily, maybe not. Maybe you didn’t work for six months or six years.

5 Lies About Twenty-Somethings We Need To Stop Believing

Often people in our 20’s are told, implicitly, this period in our lives is just a warm-up for adulthood; that it’s about gaining experiences. I agree, however I believe it’s not simply about collec...

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Some Advice On Taking Advice (From Leadership Experts)

Looking for advice on honing your leadership style, making a career change, stress management, becoming a better manager or almost any other career-related topic? Your timing is perfect.

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“The Big 3” Impacting Women:  Awareness, Opportunities, and Access

As we seek ways to innovate the agendas that influence today’s women and throw open doors to meeting rooms around the country, what are these Big Three that need to be addressed?

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How To Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Isn't it comfortable to be in a comfort zone? Those behaviors that you repeat on and on as if you don't have any power of action on it are in fact very comfortable... until they are not.

Taking Accountability

I still remember going to my older son’s 3rd grade school conference. The teacher loved him and shared many wonderful stories. Then she asked about a paper that he had recently brought home.

Business plan that helps you launch

Last time, I talked about how to get started with an actionable plan at least 1 year before you launch your creative business. Now that you have taken some of those steps, you're ready to start vis...

Taking The Sting Out Of Queen Bees

Women have come a long way in holding organizational leadership positions, but one of the things we can improve on is how we treat one another.

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The Surprising Belief Holding Women Back

The Surprising Belief Holding Women Back by Susan Dench...

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