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Successful and Miserable

We define ourselves to the rest of the world by our profession, and how far we have climbed on that particular career ladder. If you have advanced in your career, society views you positively.

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Executive Job Seekers: Avoid These 6 Resume Mistakes

If you’re a senior executive, that means you run things. You determine strategies that increase profit, you drive acquisitions, you have strong relationships that significantly impact your organiza...

9 Things Leaders Must Do To Create A Transformation

Natural instincts and leadership talent alone, no matter how robust, won’t get the big financial, business and customer wins necessary from a highly visible transformation effort.

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The Unexpected And Wonderful Lessons Of Being Fired

On January 9, 2014, I was fired. I am an attorney and compliance officer. I have held positions at Bank of America, Societe Generale and CIT Group.

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Your Personal Brand on the Road: Smart Travel Tips

Going on the road can be a great time to collect yourself and catch up. Or it can be a hassle, a time warp and a toss up of your personal life. Whichever way business travel strikes you, these...

5 More Limiting Beliefs That Hinder Success

In a recent Forbes post I covered five limiting beliefs that hinder success. I’ve been guilty of all of these – some I outgrew but some come and go depending on what new scary goal I go after or...

6 Leadership Lessons Corporate Leaders Can Learn From Nonprofits

Women in nonprofits have long been perceived as needing different skills and holding different life goals than women in the for-profit sector. But as corporate responsibility takes hold and more...

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Coffee Talk: The Link Between Leadership & Process Improvement

If you've ever tried to instill a culture of process improvement in an organization, then you know it is not an easy task. There are cultural and leadership issues that need to be addressed even...

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Are You a Great Coach in the Office?

Have you heard about the concept of being a coach at work and wondered a) what does it mean, and/or b) why the fuss?

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5 of the Most Common Mistakes Candidates Make When Working With a Recruiter

Searching for a job is never easy. The process requires strategy, patience and a whole lot of attention to detail.

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5 Negotiation Tips to Increase Your Salary This Year

Negotiating can be an intimidating feat, especially if you are approaching your boss for that raise or promotion for which you have been working so hard. However, without realizing it, we negotiate...

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A New Twist on the Old Story About What’s Holding Women Back

Everyone is talking about the challenges women face in reaching the top of the corporate world, and every version of the explanation follows a similar storyline: There is a bias in business.