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How Listening To Unsolicited Advice Can Help You Be A Better Entrepreneur

We all know the pain of someone sharing some advice that wasn’t asked for. Be it your parents, a colleague, a friend, or just a random person — anyone giving consul when you weren’t looking f...

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Six Tips to Get the Most from Mentoring

It takes a village to raise a successful career and each village needs a mentor. Successful leaders, such as Oprah Winfrey, Jack Welch (former CEO of General Electric), and Ursula Burns (CEO of Xer...

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Preparing for the Future of Work and the (Integrated) Pursuit of Happiness

Corporate culture is gaining importance as value and purpose become desired or required. And, 'happiness' has even emerged as a new Corporate Objective. Wow.

How I Stopped Making Excuses and Got Unstuck

You would think encouragement I had received, my own desire and sense of obligation would have been enough to get me to churn out a book. But I always seemed to have a good excuse.

Why Women Need to Join the Good Old Boys Club

The ONLY way to receive those promotions or those stellar raises is to lose the hang-ups, shed the grievances and brush off any notions that you aren’t succeeding because you are a woman.

How to Manage Your Online Reviews

Customer reviews on sites such as Yelp and Angie’s List have long posed major challenges to companies in industries like retail and hospitality. But now, customer review sites reach every industry.

Top 3 Behaviors Founders Need to Change to Be Better Leaders

While founders can be inspirational to the growth of a venture or organization, if founder exceptionalism exists within an enterprise, it may hurt everyone in the long run.

When A Recruiter Unexpectedly Calls

You’re happily employed, and pick up your phone to find a recruiter on the other end. How do you maximize this call when you’re not actively looking?

Losing My Mother Inspired Me to Help Others -- Like You

An avalanche of grief, combined with mountains of difficult decisions to make and details to attend to, was triggered the moment I received a phone call from my brother saying "Mom's dead" one sunn...

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Why more women need to run for political office.

In March, 2014 I quit my lucrative and fulfilling job as the Chief Procurement Officer for the American National Red Cross to run for the U.S. Senate in my home state of South Carolina.

Behind the Scenes: How to Move From Corporate Exec to Entrepreneur

By Sallie KrawcheckThis post is part of a series in which Influencers go behind the scenes to explain in detail one aspect of their work. Read all the stories here and write your own (please...

Reclaiming Your Turf After Maternity Leave

We'd all like to believe that when we return from maternity leave, our bosses, colleagues and subordinates will welcome us back, and maybe even be supportive and patient.