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Tap into the wisdom of our community on all topics, personal and professional. We're here to help each other achieve our goals faster and smarter.

Everyone’s Asking the Wrong Question

Knowing that diversity is a desirable objective, if you have two candidates for a board role and the white male is the “better” candidate, which one should you choose?”

“The Most Fun I’ve Ever Had” … Isn’t the Point

I’ll never forget a friend of mine being asked: “Is it fun to be an entrepreneur?” She was supposed to answer, “It’s the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done." Instead, she answered, “No.”

Women Working Together...Has a Nice Ring to It

For as long as many of us can remember, the concept of women advancing in business has felt like an individual sport.

A Letter to the Men in Our Lives

Defend us when we’re harassed. Underscore our points when we’re interrupted. Give us credit for our work. Sponsor us. Promote us. Pay us.

Everywhere We Look, We’re Being Tested.

Many of us, when asked, might also say that we like to think of ourselves as leaders. We are each testing our own ideas of ethical leadership.

From Corporate Ladder to Downward Slope

​Women CEOs are in the spotlight lately. When the 2017 Fortune 500 list came out, it had a record number of female CEOs, at 32. Cue fireworks. Except that it’s been pretty much all downhill since.

The Best Career Advice Women Are Not Getting

​There is A LOT of career advice for women these days. A lot. Ask for the raise. Negotiate from the moment you get your job offer. Get a mentor; get a...

Why Women’s Careers Heat Up Just As Men’s Slow Down

Here’s what working mothers are told again and again: The early years of your kids’ lives are going to be tough. Suffering from sleep deprivation whil...

Here's Who Will Win the FinTech War

You have to have been hiding under a rock over the past handful of years to miss that this is no longer your father’s business world. More data is bei...

The Questions I Ask Myself When Making Tough Decisions

​I’ve had to make some tough decisions in my career. For example, should we institute a big lay-off in 2010, or double-down by hiring more trainees? (...

High Wire Leadership: What I Learned Leading Skeptics

As my team and I work to launch our start-up, Ellevest (a digital investment platform for women, to be launched this year), I've given a lot of though...

8 Myths That Hold Women Back From Investing

Myth 1: Women are not “as good at math” — and math-like things — as men. Not true. Females’ math grades are every bit as good as males’. (And we make better grades overall. Yup, science too.) Myth 2: Women need more financial education before they can i...