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The Corcoran Report as Presented at Inman Connect New York by Barbara Corcoran

Disclaimer right from the start: I am a fan of Barbara Corcoran. I haven’t met her but she is on my “winner’s list.”

Personal Branding 101

This article originally appears on Linkedin. The topic of “personal branding” is an uncomfortable one for many of us: “Me? A personal brand? That’s not what I’m about.” Or “A...

9 Things Leaders Must Do To Create A Transformation

Natural instincts and leadership talent alone, no matter how robust, won’t get the big financial, business and customer wins necessary from a highly visible transformation effort.

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6 Leadership Lessons Corporate Leaders Can Learn From Nonprofits

Women in nonprofits have long been perceived as needing different skills and holding different life goals than women in the for-profit sector. But as corporate responsibility takes hold and more...

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Coffee Talk: The Link Between Leadership & Process Improvement

If you've ever tried to instill a culture of process improvement in an organization, then you know it is not an easy task. There are cultural and leadership issues that need to be addressed even...

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Are You a Great Coach in the Office?

Have you heard about the concept of being a coach at work and wondered a) what does it mean, and/or b) why the fuss?

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Strategy Lessons From Steve Jobs

Strategy is the lighthouse of leadership; it is it’s most visible part as well as the most important ingredient that helps from crashing on the shore of competition.

Resilience: The Must-Have Strength For Entrepreneurs

Becoming a successful entrepreneur is never a straight line. There are lots of ups and downs along the way.

4 Tips to Succeed at the Negotiating Table

There’s a common perception that women may be at a disadvantage in financial negotiations, but new evidence suggests that women can actually be better suited to this arena than men.

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5 Keys to Instilling Confidence in Female Employees

I’ve been a "chief motivator for women” for most of my life. From helping to raise my sister to running a company of predominantly female employees, I've learned that confident women are powerhouses.

Two Great Tips for Developing Future Managers

Recently I taught a two-day course on behalf of the Centre for Leadership and Learning in the Ontario Public Service (OPS). It's called "Management Essentials," and here are two main takeaways.

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Are You In It To Win or In It Not To Lose? The Difference Between Leaders and Managers

One of my clients said it best, “I can benchmark myself against existing strategy and sure I’ll do well, or I can create strategy and then break existing paradigms.”

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