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Tap into the wisdom of our community on all topics, personal and professional. We're here to help each other achieve our goals faster and smarter.

9/ 11 – The Changing Light

I recently visited a golf course I had not been to since the days immediately following September 11th 2001. I realized just how much playing any golf course is like a retrospective of Monet’s art.

The Mistakes Rookie Managers Make When They Fire Someone

By Sallie KrawcheckIf you go into management, chances are pretty good that at some point you’re going to fire someone. Maybe the fit isn’t right, the work quality isn’t there, the mistakes have add...

Reclaiming Your Turf After Maternity Leave

We'd all like to believe that when we return from maternity leave, our bosses, colleagues and subordinates will welcome us back, and maybe even be supportive and patient.

​Ethics on the Edge and Developing a Positive Ethical Culture

Ethics on the Edge and Developing a Positive Ethical Culture...

Event Recaps
Why Your Sales Presentations Are Bombing

Every day in boardrooms all over the country innocent prospects and clients are being subjected to lousy, sometimes even torturous sales presentations.

A Quick 4x4 on Success: Four Entrepreneurial Women’s Advice on Four Business Basics

What do an intimate apparel giant, a Tony Award-winning choreographer, an American Music Award-winning rapper, and a nationally-recognized life coach have in common?

Featured on Forbes

When Your Networking is Not Working

If your networking is not-working, here are some tips to consider before, during and after an event to ensure you stand out from the crowd, make a solid impression and begin to build relationships.

Why the Most Successful CEOs Embrace Customer Diversity

Every week it seems another major American brand is in crisis. Despite a large industry of experts dedicated to fixing them, these crises only seem to be getting more frequent and damaging.

Featured on Forbes

Managing Your Emotions after Maternity Leave

HBR Blog NetworkManaging Your Emotions After Maternity Leaveby Hilary Pearl | 10:00 AM August 19, 2014This article was originally posted on Harvard Business Review.When you're a new mother, it feel...

What To Do When Your To-Do List Runs You

Recently I started some event projects that are engaging, fun and that I’m good at. I was pretty jazzed. There was one issue, though. The number of hours in the day didn’t increase for some reason.

Lead Like A Girl: How To Empower Women At Every Level

Not all barriers facing women can be attributed to the glass ceiling imposed by the traditional workplace. Women often hold themselves back from advancement with self-imposed barriers.

The Law of Unintended Consequences

One step forward, two steps back. No sooner do female professionals burst through the glass ceilings within their respective firms, our attention is refocused on professions mired in gender equality.