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Tap into the wisdom of our community on all topics, personal and professional. We're here to help each other achieve our goals faster and smarter.

Give And Take: Why Helping Others Drives Our Success

Why do some people rise to the top, while others sink to the bottom? In today’s dramatically reconfigured world, success is increasingly dependent on how we interact with others.

12 Steps to Financial Organization

When it comes to organizing our finances, we typically have good intentions. But then, as it often does, “life” somehow manages to get in the way.

My New Rule for Success

I have always tried to be an “A student.” Work hard, complete assignments, pay attention to details...and good things follow. For most of professional life, this “rule” worked extremely well.

5 Leadership Types: Which One Are You?

Some people don't see themselves as born leaders, but everyone has the potential to be one. The trick is in finding a leadership style that suits your personality. Though there are as many leadersh...

The (Im)possible Role of the Social Media Manager

So, your team finally understands the importance of social media-- and you've got plans to listen, respond, and engage with your community. But where does social live? Is it cross functional?

Big Idea 2014: Investing Will Completely Change

By Sallie Krawcheck This post is part of a series in which LinkedIn Influencers pick one big idea that will shape 2014. See all the ideas here. 2014 may be the year in which investin...

10 Tips For Taking The Back-To-Work Plunge

Women have long struggled to strike that perfect balance between their professional and personal lives– especially those with children. Too often, women “opt out” of the work force after starting a...

Karen Finerman "Tells All" To Sallie Krawcheck

To a standing room only crowd (note to self: bigger room next time), acclaimed hedge fund manager, tv host, and author Karen Finerman candidly shared her “secrets” with Sallie Krawcheck.

The Highest Return Investment for Women

There is an investment that women can make that has by far the greatest risk-adjusted return available. And that is asking for a raise.

The Economic Power Of Women And You

The economic power of women is huge. Women control the majority of personal wealth in the United States, own businesses that contribute $3 trillion, and that's only the beginning.

Top Rookie Manager Mistakes (That Make You Look Like a Jerk)

Congratulations! You just received your first big promotion. Woo hoo!! Chances are you’re about to make one of these rookie mistakes.

How to Survive Humiliation at Work

By Sallie Krawcheck Have you ever been embarrassed – truly embarrassed – at work? I remember being a young research analyst, only several months into the job, talking into the microphone at ...