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Executive Job Seekers: Avoid These 6 Resume Mistakes

If you’re a senior executive, that means you run things. You determine strategies that increase profit, you drive acquisitions, you have strong relationships that significantly impact your organiza...

The Unexpected And Wonderful Lessons Of Being Fired

On January 9, 2014, I was fired. I am an attorney and compliance officer. I have held positions at Bank of America, Societe Generale and CIT Group.

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5 More Limiting Beliefs That Hinder Success

In a recent Forbes post I covered five limiting beliefs that hinder success. I’ve been guilty of all of these – some I outgrew but some come and go depending on what new scary goal I go after or...

6 Leadership Lessons Corporate Leaders Can Learn From Nonprofits

Women in nonprofits have long been perceived as needing different skills and holding different life goals than women in the for-profit sector. But as corporate responsibility takes hold and more...

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3 Remarkable Women Who Inspire Me to Be Better on a Daily Basis

Inspiration is so important: Watching others steer an idea from vision to realization can guide you down your own entrepreneurial path and fuel your passion along the way.

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5 of the Most Common Mistakes Candidates Make When Working With a Recruiter

Searching for a job is never easy. The process requires strategy, patience and a whole lot of attention to detail.

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How I Inspired A Philanthropic Mindset In My Daughters

An entrepreneurial drive runs through my family’s veins. My grandfather owned a very successful bakery in his small Italian hometown, my father ran his own business.

Who Will You Be In a Year?

“If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.” This bit of wisdom from Yogi Berra seems obvious, but it contains a great truth. Unless we have purpose and direction – unless...

Resilience: The Must-Have Strength For Entrepreneurs

Becoming a successful entrepreneur is never a straight line. There are lots of ups and downs along the way.

How To Make Your Winding Career Path Look Good To Employers

I’ve always adapted my work to my life instead of the other way around. As a lifelong learner with a desire to experience new things, my interest in many different areas has guided me from job to job.

Uniting Humanity Through Fashion

There are many universal mediums today, allowing us to cross boundaries in shorter periods of time and without censorship. We’re talking about Twitter, Facebook, Google and the networks of the future.

Debunking Myths about Women-Led Businesses

Data reveals interesting facts about how women’s mindsets control our destiny more than we know, and how it is our responsibility to pick out chairs in the board rooms and hire the next generation.

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