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Tap into the wisdom of our community on all topics, personal and professional. We're here to help each other achieve our goals faster and smarter.

It's All About Differentiation

Silicon Valley's career guru, Patti Wilson has published her mid-year Careerzine. I've excerpted some of it below; it's perhaps a bit on the "realistic" side, but has some good tips, such as to wor...

How to Read Between the Lines When Women are Bombarded With Messages

In the past year (and then some), women and parents (mothers especially) have been bombarded by numerous admonitions from experts and the media.

 Intention in Motion: Creating a Blueprint to Achieve Your Goals

It’s one thing to hold an intention for something that you really want in your life that seems unattainable; it’s another thing to actively figure out how to get it.

 Overcoming Fear and Just Doing It

One of the most common things I encounter when working with my clients is fear. Three of the biggest fears I encounter are: fear of failure, fear of success and fear of the unknown.

7 Effective Strategies to Prevent Leadership Burnout

Burnout is something that can creep in very slowly, without you even realizing it. It doesn’t matter what sector you work in, if you are in a demanding position, you are at risk of burning out.

Productivity Hacks: Why 4 a.m. Is the Best Time to Work

For me, the most precious commodity in business is time. And I find I am most productive when I balance time that I spend with others with blocks of time during which I can think and write.

9 Steps To Killer Consistent Content for Your Social Media Channels and Beyond

PR as we know it has changed forever. Your publicist will never accomplish what you can do with a content strategist. To succeed in today's ever changing social media landscape, it is now necessary...

Sure-Fire Strategies for Career Mediocrity

We all know who they are: the folks who aren’t going anywhere... certainly not out, but probably also not up much either. They play to “not lose” and work to avoid failure.

What To Know About Equity Crowdfunding And Angel Investing

Women make up more than half of entrepreneurs, and many women are now successfully raising money for their businesses through equity crowdfunding.

Event Recaps
Key Communication Techniques to Achieve Personal and Business Success

The ability to communicate effectively is absolutely key for personal and business success, and for women, it’s especially important.

Event Recaps
Career Curveballs: Doing the Job When No One Thinks You Can

By Sallie Krawcheck I often joke that I was offered the position of Director of Research of Sanford Bernstein after all of the other analysts said no to the job. This, however, is not strictly...

The One Key Difference Between Massive Success and A Face Plant

I have received a number of questions about what drove the difference between successes and my front-page-of-the-newspaper firings. it wasn't what you might think; it was having a sponsor.