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Community Knowledge Base.

Tap into the wisdom of our community on all topics, personal and professional. We're here to help each other achieve our goals faster and smarter.

The Power of Self Awareness, with David Meltzer

We sit down with David Meltzer to discuss self awareness, finding happiness and gratitude, and investing in women and people of color.

The Ellevate Podcast
Making Positive Change, with Leslie Wingo

We sit down with Leslie Wingo, CEO at Sanders\Wingo, to discuss creating cultures of belonging, having the important conversations about DEI, and how to be patient in order to make real solutions happen.

The Ellevate Podcast
None of Us Are Free Until All of Us Are Free, with Freada Kapor Klein

We sit down with Freada Kapor Klein, Founder of the Level Playing Field Institute, to discuss sexual harassment in the workplace, closing opportunity gaps for lower-income individuals, and the need for intersectionality in everything we do.

The Ellevate Podcast
A Corporate Man’s World Guide to Better Meetings

Have conversations, not confrontations.

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The Science-Backed Power of Positive Thinking for Female Entrepreneurs

As you start thinking more positively, you’ll also start acting more positively. Over time, your entire reality can also change for the better.

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​Leader Survival Kit: When the Path Forward is Not Clear

Part of your survival kit at as a leader is to have a supporting structure or set of rules where you can set your plans and expand to the details as needed.

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International Women's Day: How Can We Support Parents Returning to Work? with Natalia Ball and Molly McAllister

We sit down with Natalia Ball and Molly McAllister to discuss the importance of representation in leadership, normalizing parental leave for all, and how pets change the world.

The Ellevate Podcast
The Secret to Success (It Isn’t Just About the Right Idea)

Every entrepreneur across the globe is in search of success. Success in business and success in life. So why do so many businesses fail?

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The Top Four Ways I Thrive as a Project Manager (And You Can, Too!)

The two questions I am asked most frequently as a project manager are: “How did you get into project management?” and “What do you like about it?”

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How Spirituality Can Play a Significant Role in the Lives of Female Entrepreneurs

How female entrepreneurs can tap into their spirituality to build stronger and more resilient businesses. This is especially valuable for the potential challenges said businesses may face.

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​What Do We Need as a Team to Succeed in a Corporate Environment?

The four elements to consider when you are leading a team to make it efficient, successful, and meaningful.

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Finding Purpose and Defining Values Through Coaching, with Sushil Cheema

We sit down with Sushil Cheema to discuss her journey into coaching and explore how setting visions that build cohesion among teams, especially in a remote environment, can help take the next step in your career. She also covers topics such as confidence issues that leaders may face, her experience as a solo-preneur, and the differences between coaching and therapy. Lastly, Sushil shares her insights on what makes a good coach and how to find one who fits your needs.

The Ellevate Podcast