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Tap into the wisdom of our community on all topics, personal and professional. We're here to help each other achieve our goals faster and smarter.

One Way to Set and Accomplish Goals for More Happiness and Success in Your Career

No matter your career goals, one of the foundational tools to help you accomplish them is to review your values.

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Why Marketing is Like the Olympics: The Four Cs in Common

Every two years we are all amazed the display of talent and skills demonstrated by these elite athletes. Marketers can learn from their self-discipline and dedication to their own brand.

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7 Common Career Fears and How to Move Forward

Do you find yourself thinking any of these seven fearful career thoughts? Work with what you do know, itemize what you still need to know, and chip away at the fear one step at a time.

Are You a Multiplier or a Diminisher?

While some leaders are born, most are developed, and many organizations and career sectors do not place enough emphasis on training impactful leaders.

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4 Tips for Managers in a Hybrid World

Managing has never been more challenging. Make sure you’re doing everything you can to retain your team members and keep them engaged with these four simple strategies.

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Fixed Income Investment Strategies: 4 Ways to Mitigate Inflation Risk

If inflation rises, how can you manage the interest rate risk in your bond portfolio?

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Interview Preparation: Micro and Macro Stories

When you’re preparing your narrative and specific stories for an upcoming interview, it may help to think of your examples on a macro and micro level. Here's how to do that.

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How to Spot the Signs and Know if a Midlife Career Change is Right for You

If there's ever been a time for change, it's now, as employers are open to creative ways to fill talent gaps and consider candidates with a range of experiences.

Design Your Career Trajectory with Smart Growth

We all need to be at the ready with a professional exit and/or a growth strategy, even if we are blissfully happy in a current role. 2022 will be a year of tremendous growth in the workplace.

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Career Wanderlust or Pivot?

Do you simply want more out of your current job or are you ready for a pivot?

How to Interview Your Prospective Boss Before You Accept a New Role

Your success and satisfaction are aligned with the leadership to whom you report, so remember that you are interviewing your future boss as much as they are interviewing you.

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Four Ways Companies Are Elevating Their Sustainability Initiatives

People are catching wind of how dirty the fashion industry is and are gladly waving goodbye to fast fashion and inviting sustainable staples to establish a permanent presence in their lives.