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Time’s Up for Wall Street

Investing in women is key to ending sexual harassment—in finance and elsewhere.

Educated Women Will Doom Us All

Last weekend’s Wall Street Journal featured an article titled, “A Good Man Is Getting Even Harder To Find."

WTF Is Up With the Media Lately?

Is it me, or is there something in the media water these days?

Everyone’s Asking the Wrong Question

Knowing that diversity is a desirable objective, if you have two candidates for a board role and the white male is the “better” candidate, which one should you choose?”

“Equal Pay! Equal Pay!”

How about that US Women’s soccer team? Getting their jobs done, serving as role models, working incredibly hard, calling out the pay inequities that they face...and winning.

Money Is Not Just for Men

“I would argue that in our society, money is a male construct.”

This Is What Bravery Looks Like

You may have heard us at Ellevest puzzle through that tells us that girls are given different messages than boys are about money: Girls are taught to save, and boys are taught to build wealth.

Why We Decided to Rewrite History

Whew. We did it. We made it through February … what feels like the longest month of the year, the home of Seasonal Affective Disorder, the purgatory of dark mornings and early sunsets.

This Investigation Really Rattled Me

Late last week, you probably read about Robert Kraft, best known as the owner of the New England Patriots, being charged with soliciting prostitutes in Florida.

The Uncool Thing About Women Candidates

“How sexist will the media’s treatment of female candidates be? Rule out ‘not at all.’”)

Hire Women. Promote Women. And Talk About It

Over the weekend, I read an of the venture capital industry’s progress on bringing more women into the business and promoting them to leadership positions.

Support System = Success

​The stats on the advancement of women in business can get pretty depressing: the number of female CEOs is declining, the gender pay gaps are barely moving.