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​Why Ellevate Network Supports All Women

At Ellevate Network, we truly believe that diversity is a strength and we celebrate women of all beliefs and backgrounds. This is why we support them.

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Resources for Professional Women: Professional Development and Education

At Ellevate Network, we believe that ​networking and ​education are the keys to long term career success. It’s no secret that mentorship and sponsorship can ​accelerate your career exponentially, but

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Resources for Professional Women: Investing in Our Future Female Leaders

Ellevate's mission is to close the gender achievement gap in business by offering professional women the resources they need to advance in their careers. But what about the next generation — the young

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Resources for Professional Women: Disruptors

Disruptors are innovators in the world who turn business on its head to create something truly unique. In our work at Ellevate Network, we’ve met some pretty amazing disruptors

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Ellevate's Top Resources for Professional Women

Whether you’re looking for funding for your new venture, trying to make a big career move, or even looking for a company with a generous family leave package, with this list you’ll always know

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​Resources for Professional Women: Supporting Entrepreneurs

Women are driving change in the business world by defying the status quo and leaving the traditional corporate world to start their own projects. It’s not a secret that women-owned businesses are grow

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Resources for Professional Women: Media

​At Ellevate Network we believe that having women present in the media, both as providers and consumers, is so important. Seeing as how only 10% of op-ed submissions are by women

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Resources for Professional Women: Leadership

The business case for gender parity is evident. But the gender achievement gap in business still exists. Ellevate is recognizes the companies that are impacting the ratio of women in leadership.

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Resources for Professional Women: Companies Investing in Their Female Employees

​We all know that having a diverse workforce is great for business and the economy, yet corporations continue to have gender diversity challenges.

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Resources for Professional Women: Companies Advocating for Women at Work

We're lucky enough to work with some incredibly inspiring companies that are working alongside us towards closing the gender gap in business.

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What The New President Means for Professional Women

​On Tuesday, the American people voted for a new President. Some were overjoyed and others were disappointed. Regardless of where you stand politically, Ellevate Network believes that you, as a woman,

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Doing Email Right - Using Technology to Drive Engagement & Impact

At Ellevate, we believe in the positive impact of women in business, so we work our butts off to support women as they advance in their careers.

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