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PR, Resilience and Giving Back with Jennefer Witter

Jennefer Witter has a long and proven track record in PR. She’s an author and the founder and CEO of The Boreland Group, a public relations firm dedicated to working with small businesses.

The Ellevate Podcast
Speaking Up and Getting What You're Worth, with Deepali Vyas

Research has shown that a diverse team leads to better business results.

The Ellevate Podcast
Sports, Business and Thought Leadership, with Mandy Antoniacci

Mandy Antoniacci is passionate about sports and about helping progress the game to make it better for future generations.

The Ellevate Podcast
Being an Entrepreneur, with Georgene Huang

Georgene Huang, co-founder of Fairygodbooss, is on a mission to change workplace culture.

The Ellevate Podcast
Closing the Money Gap, with Jean Chatzky

Jean Chatzky is not just a personal finance expert, she’s an experienced journalist, best-selling author, entrepreneur, and much more.

The Ellevate Podcast