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Community Knowledge Base.

Tap into the wisdom of our community on all topics, personal and professional. We're here to help each other achieve our goals faster and smarter.

Hannah Beachler is Ellevate's 2019 International Woman of Change

We're honored to recognize Academy Award winning production designer Hannah Beachler as our 2019 International Woman of Change.

Mobilize Women Annual Summit , Inside Ellevate Blog
 Mobilize Women 2019: Making Your Community Work for You

​Mobilize Women is more than a day, it’s a movement. Our annual celebration of diversity, leadership, and equality is just days away, and it’s not too late to get in on the action.

Mobilize Women Annual Summit
Creating Wins-Wins for My Community: Melanie Curtis

Inspired by the idea of joining an all women's network, Melanie has dedicated her career (and Ellevate membership) to sharing the wisdom of her professional experience.

Ellevate Stories
Squads and Community: Susan Mazonson

Why not help those around you? Susan says “Just go for it!”

Ellevate Stories