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Community Knowledge Base.

Tap into the wisdom of our community on all topics, personal and professional. We're here to help each other achieve our goals faster and smarter.

Changing my Career: Squads Made All the Difference

Kara shares her experience as a Squad Mod in the Spring 2019 program.

Ellevate Stories
Starting Fresh and Reinventing My Career: Avil Beckford

Changing careers is one of the most challenging (and even intimidating) decisions a professional can make. Avil shared with us how being part of Ellevate supported her in reinventing herself.

Ellevate Stories
Squads and Career Success: Sheena Abraham

Are you ambitious and determined to succeed? Sheena recommends Squads as a means to close the gap between where you are and where you want to be in your career.

Ellevate Stories
Ellevate Squads - What’s Changing? What’s Staying?

Last year, we launched a new way for Ellevate members to build meaningful relationships with like-minded women: Ellevate Squads. What's changing in 2018?

Inside Ellevate Blog
Network Better: Introducing Ellevate Squads

We’ve spent the last year developing a new way for Ellevate members to build meaningful relationships with like-minded women. We hear you: no more dead-end coffee dates.

Inside Ellevate Blog
Resources for Professional Women: Companies Investing in Their Female Employees

​We all know that having a diverse workforce is great for business and the economy, yet corporations continue to have gender diversity challenges.

Inside Ellevate Blog
Resources for Professional Women: Companies Advocating for Women at Work

We're lucky enough to work with some incredibly inspiring companies that are working alongside us towards closing the gender gap in business.

Inside Ellevate Blog