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Three Public Speaking Fight Moves for Millennial Women in Male-Dominated Industries

Millennial women in male-dominated industries need to be ready to speak up to combat gender bias and advance their careers.

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Hindsight 2020 - Seven Lessons 2020 Taught Us to Be Better Leaders, Parents, and Humans

2020, in its darkness, has helped us see the light.

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How to Stop Overwhelming Yourself With Your Deadlines

As women, our tendency to people-please can cause us to promise work on a shorter timeline than necessary. Learn how to stop choking yourself up with work deadlines and build in breathing room.

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It’s Possible: Three Ways to Sustain Your Business While Pregnant in a Pandemic

These three simple strategies can help you get the support you need to see success as you grow both your business and your family in a global crisis.

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Ten Career Tips for Every Working Woman

Universally, women have been experiencing deep-rooted systemic challenges, as a result of which they have failed to achieve unfettered career success.

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Five Simple Ways to Rock it When You’re the Only Woman in the Boardroom

Think about the space you want to occupy at the table. The edge and perspective you bring as a woman is the difference between a mediocre and high-performing executive team.

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Does Grammar Matter Anymore?

Despite the breakneck speed and laid-back style of even the most professional content these days, grammar still matters. It holds the potential to make or break your career. Here's why.

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A Year-Round Guide to Self-Advocacy

Women are not great self-promoters. Girls are taught at a young age not to draw attention to themselves. Addressing the gender pay gap means also addressing the gender mindset gap.

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A Black Woman’s Worth at Work

Black women are still underpaid, underestimated, and in many ways, undervalued.

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Why Are Women Satisfied With Less?

You won’t receive a yes every time you ask. However, when you talk yourself out of your ask, the guaranteed answer will always be no.

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Four Ps for Powerful Communication

Use these four principles to connect with people effectively, in any environment, through any method you choose.

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Rural Living, City Working in a Digital Age

Many studies have shown the benefits of remote working - both to the employee and the employer. If you're considering it, here are some things I have learned along the way.

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