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Three Things I Learned from Sallie Krawcheck's Keynote at #MobilizeWomen 2019

Sallie Krawcheck, CEO and co-founder of Ellevest (and chair of the Ellevate Network), ended the day with her closing keynote speech, and here's what she had to say.

Mobilize Women Annual Summit
Growing with Vision, with Marina Darlow

On this episode, Marina talks about running an online business, how to trust someone when expanding a business and the transition from large companies to start-ups.

The Ellevate Podcast
Earning a Seat at the Table, with Alison Gutterman

On this episode, Alison joins us to talk about her experience working for her parent, the generational differences at work, and the emotional story of how she become the CEO.

The Ellevate Podcast
Taking Initiative, with Maisha Walker

Along with being the President and Founder of Message Medium, an Internet strategy consulting firm, Maisha Walker works to empower fellow small business owners as an author, educator, and speaker.

The Ellevate Podcast
Flex-Work, Life and Motherhood, with Manon DeFelice

Manon DeFelice is the Founder and CEO of Inkwell, a company dedicated to connect senior level women with flexible job opportunities. Her career path has been non-traditional to say the least.

The Ellevate Podcast
Own It - The Power of Women at Work, with Sallie Krawcheck

How are you owning 2017? In this special episode, Sallie Krawcheck, Chair of Ellevate Network and Founder and CEO of Ellevest,  talks to Kristy about her new book, Own It.

The Ellevate Podcast
How To Advocate For Your Financial Future, with Lisa Stone

Lisa Stone is a Principal in Bernstein Global Wealth Management, however, when she started her career that’s not what she set off to do...

The Ellevate Podcast
From Strikeouts to Home Runs with Jennifer Gefsky

Jennifer Gefsky is the Co-Founder of Après and the host of the Après podcast, The Aftershow.

The Ellevate Podcast
Time Management and Entrepreneurship with Angela Lee

Angela Lee has always had a passion for innovation and entrepreneurship, she is the Assistant Dean at Columbia Business School and she is the founder of 37 Angels, a community of women angel investors

The Ellevate Podcast
Pursuing Balance and Fulfillment in Your Personal and Professional Lives, with Sam Ettus

Samantha Ettus gets a lot done: she’s a work/life expert, author, radio host and all around boss.

The Ellevate Podcast
Speaking Up and Getting What You're Worth, with Deepali Vyas

Research has shown that a diverse team leads to better business results.

The Ellevate Podcast
Communicating Effectively (and Directly) with Tami Reiss

There is a lot of talk about how using words, such as “sorry” “just” “I think” can hurt our communication. Tami Reiss wants to change that.

The Ellevate Podcast