Hosted by: Seattle | Bellevue | Puget Sound
Seattle's November Community Executive Breakfast: Creating Gratitude in the Workplace
1 hour
Online • Closed Captioned •
Join us for our Executive Breakfast virtual edition. Our breakfasts happen monthly
This November we are celebrating Gratitude!
Gratitude creates good feelings, cheerful memories, better self-esteem, feeling more relaxed and more optimistic. All of these emotions create a pay it forward and “we're in this together” mentality in the workplace, which in turn, makes your organization more successful.
Join us as we learn how to incorporate gratitude into our workplace, with Julie Parisio Roy. We are thrilled to welcome Julie as she shares her personal story around how gratitude has made the world of difference to her work and tips for how we can help not just ourselves but our co-workers bring more of it into our day-to-day lives.
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