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Hosted by: Twin Cities - Minneapolis | St. Paul

Twin Cities Podcast Club


 1 hour

Online • Closed Captioned • 

Twin Cities Podcast Club

Join us for our bi-monthly Twin Cities Podcast Club! Next Up is Kristi Angevine, MD in her episode "How Intentional Habits Transform Your Life" from her podcast Habits on Purpose.

Take a listen to the podcast episode here.

As deeply entrenched as your habits might currently feel, they are so much more malleable than you realize. Imagine your life 10 years from now with the same habits you have today. Perhaps nothing is worse, but nothing is different, either. Contrast this to a reality where your habits are ones you absolutely love. Is that the life you want instead?

We look forward to a thoughtful and engaged discussion!

To respect everyone’s busy schedules, we will have a short 5-minute or less introduction before jumping into the discussion and we will wrap up the discussion by 12:50 so you can get back to your schedule. If you want to hang out for some informal networking in the last 10 minutes we welcome the opportunity to chat with you!

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Kristy Wallace

Kristy Wallace

New York, NY

Former CEO at Ellevate Network

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Rebecca Spitzer

Rebecca Spitzer

New York, NY

VP of Product and Technology at Ellevate Network

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