Jeeya Doshi
Jeeya Doshi
Recent UWaterloo grad with work experience, ready to take on the world of sustainability!
Looking for New Graduate opportunities
Introduce yourself to our audience. Tell us who you are and what you are currently focused on.
My name is Jeeya Doshi and I am recent graduate from University of Waterloo for Environment and Business, with a minor in sustainability and urban planning. Currently looking for full-time oppourtunities, I am extremely hard working and want to focus on the bringing the balance of people, profit and planet in the sustainability realm.
Tell us about your favorite Ellevate Network memory or success story. Why are you a member?
I love the support and compassion all the women have for each other, regardless of culture, age, career, or life choices! The respect and genuine warmth is what makes the Ellevate community so accepting and inspiring!
How would you define your professional mission?
An aspiring sustainability advocate, I am passionate about putting the well-being of people and the planet first. Through my co-op terms, I have had the chance to be a part of multiple projects that revolve around the betterment of organizations and their energy efficiency goals. I love connecting with new people and being a social entrepreneur inspires me to have a positive mindset, which helps to bridge the gap between the planet and people. Apart from my studies, I like the outdoors, am a movie buff, and continue to love to dance!
What project have you worked on that you’re most proud of? Why?
As a recent graduate, I had the opportunity to work in various co-ops where I was able to gain a lot of hands-on experience. However, my favorite project had to be the final year capstone, which I did with my fellow program peers. Working with a renowned agriculture and construction company Walker Industries, we had the rare opportunity to help make their supply chain more carbon neutral. After 8 months of hard work and endless brainstorming, we were able to curate a vendor selection process for them which was effective in measuring the right KPIs for them, to essentially choose the most sustainable partners to work with. This was an extremely rewarding experience as I got to learn a lot and apply my undergrad knowledge to the test!
We’d love to hear more about your career path. What led you to where you are today?
Through my various co-ops, I had a wonderful time exploring a couple of different industries, helping me understand the ropes a bit more. Starting off as a business and marketing specialist in a B2B consulting firm, I was able to learn a new aspect of business with an agile sales model which helps their clients reach success and create sales revenue. It was a collaborative and supportive company, helping me understand the importance of networking and soft skills such as critical thinking and creativity. Next, I had the chance to work with an upcoming start-up that specialized in smart mobility, helping employers incentivize sustainable and flexible commutes for their employees. A very fun and hands-on environment, I was excited to learn the potential of such a niche market and it helped me realize that planning and making businesses more sustainable is the where I want to focus my learning on. Lastly, my most recent job was with ECCC as an Environmental Science student and this was an opportunity that really opened my eyes to the amount of work this industry has for every single business/industry. Sustainability cannot be achieved by just one person or one company; it is a collective action every single person of every single business in every single country has to take in order to make a difference. Granted some may do more than others and have the resources as well, but all of these opportunities helped me really solidify the importance of sustainability, which I had been hearing in school all along. Hence, it led me to today where I continue to find an opportunity with the knowledge accumulated over the past five years, to help make a small impact in a company that truly believes in the true mission of sustainability.
What is your morning ritual?
My morning ritual is pretty simple. I wake up and just take a few minutes to myself, before getting ready. As a student, all the days can be quite different from one another, with opposing schedules and constantly being on the go with studies, extra-curriculars, and part-time jobs, making it hard to mentally log off. Screen time is also excessive, which can take a toll on the self-love. Hence, I really cherish the mornings when I can just enjoy my company and think through the little/big goals I want to achieve throughout the day, organizing and preparing myself for the chaos ahead :)
What is your favorite social media site? Why?
LinkedIn has to be my top pick because I am able to build a supportive network and community by engaging and simply supporting others' achievements. It is so rewarding to see my fellow peers accomplish their goals, and I love the support the platform has for everyone in all stages of their careers, bringing them together. For entertainment, I'd have to say Instagram because if utilized correctly, there is so much unique and creative content on there!
What would you say your personal superpower is?
Empathy: Whether at work or school, I enjoy listening to everyone's stories. Hearing about their successes to hardships, makes me feel closer to them and form a meaningful connection. I pride myself on connecting with others through my ability to respect, appreciate, and admire their choices, with an optimistic and inclusive perspective.
What advice would you offer future leading ladies wishing to break into your industry?
The advice I would give is to network and focus on your passion. Sustainability is a broad field, so find your niche based on your interests and skills. Whether it's renewable energy, waste reduction, sustainable agriculture, or environmental policy, focusing your efforts will make them more impactful. It took me a long time to figure out what area of expertise I wanted to focus on, which is why networking is also so important. Since sustainability can be a multi-purpose lens, it is easy to get lost in the technical definitions and forget that it is a booming industry, with many hidden options. Connect with like-minded individuals and organizations. Join sustainability groups, attend events, and participate in discussions. Collaborating with others allows you to amplify your impact and learn from different perspectives.
What is the best career advice you ever received?
Start early! I think this is the most simple yet best advice I have ever received. Right before entering university, I got a ton of people saying that "you should have your plate full of things", "do as many courses/internships as you can", or even "no matter how much you, it's never enough". Amongst this, someone told me that whatever you do, start early and stick to it. Build your goals accordingly and find other activities that can interconnect, so that it's all useful with one another. As a student, I was so relieved because sometimes it can be overwhelming to think you aren't doing enough or that you are constantly behind. But I promise you it is, and as long as you are passionate about it, the small quality things will be beneficial and work itself out!
Have more questions? Follow up with the expert herself.
Jeeya Doshi
Recent UWaterloo grad with work experience, ready to take on the world of sustainability!
Looking for New Graduate opportunities
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