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Member Successes.

Our members' successes are a source of inspiration to everyone in the Ellevate community.


Life After Corporate E-book Released!

Life After Corporate is the ultimate guide for women making the leap from corporate leader to entrepreneur.

Dr. Selena Ramkeesoon Joins PRSA DEI Committee

The Public Relations Society of America invited Dr. Selena Ramkeesoon to join the PRSA National DEI Committee.

Dr. Selena Ramkeesoon Reappointed with American University

Dr. Selena Ramkeesoon was reappointed as an Adjunct Professorial Lecturer at American University, Washington, D.C.

Ellevate Member Jennefer Witter Places Client on National TV

"chedHER" celebrates representation and inclusion in business with today's leaders, and shines a light on the women who are making strides in their industries"

The Name Game: Ethnic-Sounding Candidates Face Bias in the Job Market

Assumptions about ethnicity and race often form a barrier to applicants at the start of their career, but such a short-sighted approach can hurt the bottom line.

Homaira Kabir's Book Goodbye, Perfect Named Top 10 Women's Leadership Books in 2023

Homaira Kabir's new book Goodbye, Perfect ranks among the top 10 leadership books by women in 2023 alongside books by IBM's former CEO Ginni Rometty and Google's former VP Claire Hughes-Johnson.

Launched my Living with Purpose Women's Retreat!

I'm excited to announce my new Living with Purpose weekend retreat for women who want to get out of autopilot and get clear on the bigger picture of what they want from life.

Launched New Website and Hired Two Individuals

I recently launched a new website called Senty-News. Additionally, I hired employees for the first time ever!

Stop Playing It Safe in Front of the Room

Webinar: Stop Playing it Safe in Front of the Room: Be Respected for Your Leadership and Admired for your Inspiration

Jennefer Witter Appears on "Good Day, DC" on Fox DC

Can having a Black-sounding name limit your chances of getting a job interview? Short answer - yes.

Ellevate Chapter Leader Launches Op Ed Division to Showcase Thought-Leadership Thinking

The Op-Ed Division will offer opportunities for more diverse voices in conversations of importance, whether it's business, politics, DEIB or gender related issues, to be heard.

Selena Ramkeesoon Promoted to Adjunct Associate Professor

​Dr. Selena Ramkeesoon has been promoted to Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of Maryland Global Campus (​UMGC).