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Myra Goodine

Myra Goodine

Chapter Program Manager

Myra is Ellevate Network's Chapter Program Manager, responsible for helping chapter teams with the resources they need to succeed. 

Myra began her career within general Human Resources support, and in turn has professionally grown to having eight plus years across multi-business lines. She is passionate about fostering connections and committed to implementing stream lined processes for the benefit of clients, stakeholders and team mates. Myra is a strong advocate for inclusivity and diversity - who always works with a team centric mindset to maintain positivity and company values.

Born and raised in Seneca (South Carolina), Myra enjoys creating art, aspires to travel the world and loves music across all genres. In addition, she also enjoys giving back to philanthropic based organizations and providing local support towards Special Olympics events.

Female Role Model(s): My Mom (Beverly) and my Granny (Rena Bell)

Favorite Book: I Have Rocks in My Socks, Said the Ox to the Fox - Patricia Thomas (Childhood favorite! Credit goes to Mom for always reading it with such enthusiasm.)

First Concert: Flock of Seagulls (English synth-pop band)